Industrial Detergents
(Cleaning, Disinfecting, Removing, Brightening)
Cover all needs in Kitchen, Laundry & Housekeeping sections
Our factories in solely represent an integrated system of specific detergents. We proudly manufacturing all the products that cover most of the different needs for hotels, hospitals, airports, food preparation, touristy villages, restaurants and dry cleaning activities (..etc.). Our products in this field cover also cleaning of salons, internals furniture’s and cabin of cars, buses, airplane, cinemas, theaters and industries of furniture’s and textiles.
Industrial Detergents
6-Industrial Detergents
Industrial Detergents (Cleaning, Disinfecting, Removing, Brightening) Cover all needs in Kitchen, Laundry & Housekeeping sections Our factories in solely represent an integrated system of specific
Kitchen and Food Preparing Section
Kitchen and Food Preparing Section The products that cover all the needs for Clean, Disinfect, remove, brighten, de-blocking, (..etc.), that is all needed for the
Laundry and Dry Cleaning Section
Laundry and Dry Cleaning Section The products that cover all the needs for wet or dry cleaning all textiles types and colors, it is specific